How to do Storytelling to boost the retention of your digital audience?

In this post we will explain what Storytelling is and how to do it to help you boost your audience retention. 

The art of storytelling has always been relevant in communication, and this technique is one of the most powerful in digital marketing. 

Also, Storytelling strategy helps you in the following ways:

  • It allows you to capture the audience's interest, avoiding the dreaded bounce effect.
  • It conveys a message to the audience and can influence actions. 
  • It helps to make the content or message conveyed memorable.

Persuasive communication has been important for sales since time immemorial, where storytelling makes it easier to gain the trust of potential customers. 

What do you think attracts more attention, a very technical product review text or an exciting story about how that product helped in a certain situation? The latter is very successful!

What is Storytelling?

Let's get down to business! What is Storytelling? It is easily understood as the ability to convey a message in the form of a storyThis makes it easier to create an emotional connection with the audience. 

Nowadays, many landing page keep in their planning the generation of a copy with this narrative style. Remember that one of the biggest trends in digital marketing suggests using persuasion instead of aggressive sales techniques. 

Storytelling in marketing helps to insert an idea or at least a perception about a service or product in the mind of the audience. 

If we analyse what Storytelling means in a more literal sense, we only need to look at its translation from English to Spanish. It is a composition of two words "Story" and "telling", which translates as "telling stories". 

Telling a story is much more effective for the following reasons:

  • It facilitates understanding because it can include examples.
  • Improves retention as it is a stimulating content.
  • It can open the way to formulate an opinion or generate an action. 

On the other hand, this valuable content marketing technique has a number of applications, including being of great use in planning a video marketing strategy.

What should a good story include?

  • It should be easy to understand: You have to get to the point and although it is valid to share details, they must add value to the content. 
  • It must be universal: if you tell a story about something that only you understand then you will not be able to connect with the audience.
  • It has to be emotional: the purpose is to arouse emotions, so it must convey feelings from the denouement. 
  • It should be inspiring: Inspiring stories are hard to forget, and big brands like Coca-Cola make use of them. 
  • It must be credible: it is not appropriate to develop an exaggerated story that is difficult for the audience to trust. 
  • It must be useful: Storytelling almost always includes a problem, an outcome and a solution, which provides a sense of usefulness.
how to make a Storytelling
Illustration on content marketing and Storytelling

Storytelling in marketing: the most important advantages

Storytelling in marketing acts as a valuable resource for communication. Many brands use this tool to sell their products by conveying an irresistible message to the audience. 

A key aspect of this digital marketing strategy is that it willadds value to the product or service in questionbut it also uses persuasion by suggesting an action, which may be to buy the product. 

This technique actually allows the following advantages to be achieved:

  1. It can help to convey the brand's values and identity.
  2. It helps to position oneself above the competition through persuasion. 
  3. It facilitates customer loyalty and conveys security.
  4. It is key to humanise the brand by making it more attractive.
  5. It allows a product or service to be presented in a more interesting way.

One study suggests that 75% of companies that apply Storytelling in their marketing strategies achieve better sales results.

How to make a Storytelling step by step?

Now that you know it's a valuable digital marketing tool, it's time to analyse how to make a successful Storytelling. Follow these steps!

1. Recognises commercial Storytelling

The main mistake content creators make when doing Storytelling is that they think that telling a story is enough, but when applied to digital marketing, it is not enough. 

It's not just about creating an interesting and impactful story, it's also about knowing how to how to sell that story. And for that you must know how to include the value aspects of your product or service. 

You may think this is complex, and it is complex, but it is enough to plot your strategy according to two variables: emotional and practical. 

The practical information is about the value points about your product or service, and the information that generates the emotional connection is part of the narrative of the story. 

2. Identify your buyer persona

Before knowing how to do Storytelling in digital marketing You need to have your audience well defined. Think for a moment, who are you writing for? Who will get the information?

This is the most complicated part of Storytelling in marketing, the good news is that with our Brand's service we help you recognise your target market and align the needs of the audience with the value of your brand. 

3. Create a core message

You must define what the central message of your story will be. Remember that it must have a problem or a challenging situation and based on this need there must be a solution involving your product or service. 

Before you start creating your script or copy for Storytelling, you should summarise your core message in about 10 words. 

4. Analyse what reaction you are looking for

Another step on how to do Storytelling has to do with recognise the emotional reaction you are looking forThis should be aligned with the personality of your brand and the characteristics of your audience.

Although, stories that involve emotions such as inspiration, or nostalgia tend to work quite well. Whereas, entertaining and funny stories connect well with certain audiences. 

5. Design your call to action

The call to action contains what you want your audience to do after rating your story.

Emotions often influence the purchase decision, and a study revealed that emotional impulses lie behind many purchases instead of analytical sense. 

Create an impactful story and then include your persuasive CTA. Remember that having an expert Copywriter is essential to be able to generate a powerful message that is irresistible. 

6. Define channels for sharing

It is important that when analysing how to do Storytelling you identify through which channels you are going to share this information. 

It is a great idea to do this through social media, a blog, website or even videos. Of course, keep in mind the budget you have available so that you can narrow down the details.

7. Create your story

Now that you have defined the above aspects, it is time to create your story. For this it is essential that you apply good writing strategies focused on marketing and with a great persuasive power. 

Use short paragraphs, add some transition words and even consider including some bullet points. In terms of content, you should define some characters. 

Storytelling examples you should know

Now that you know how to do Storytelling to enhance your digital marketing strategyIf you have any questions, it is important that you take a look at a couple of examples. This will undoubtedly help you to clear your doubts.


One of the most engaging examples of how to do Storytelling was generated by the Huggies brand. 

The campaign was based on showing the suffering of a mother not being able to hug her premature baby, and contrasts this with scientific data on the benefits of a mother's hug for her baby.

The company created an innovative blanket worn by the mother and impregnated with her scent and warmth, which then doubles as a mattress for the baby, bringing it closer to its mother.

What did the brand do?

  • Huggies combined scientific data from a real-life situation that reflects a need.
  • From the problem it showed a reality and generated an emotional connection.
  • He concluded by providing a solution where his brand could stand out. 

So, how to make a Storytelling?

  • Define your buyer persona. 
  • Define a central message and characters. 
  • Identify a problem and a solution.
  • Use persuasion. 
  • Create a call to action.
  • Consider the channels for publishing content. 
  • Generate the story and publish it. 

So much for our guide on how to do Storytelling, tell us how you would take advantage of this technique and if you know of any other benefits. 


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