3 Social media monitoring tools - How do they work?

You probably came here looking for "social media monitoring". Nowadays, many brand managers are interested in finding out what information there is about their businesses on social media.

But why is it important to care about social media mentions? It can help you find out what your audience thinks about your business.

And if necessary, this will help you implement strategies to improve brand reputation. According to HubSpot data, at least 90% of users search for information about a brand's reputationand on this basis formulates a purchase decision.

It is vitally important to know what people are saying about your brand to assess whether there is a positive or negative view of it. And for this, social media monitoring is key.

What does social media monitoring consist of?

If you search for "social media monitoring", you will notice that there are several marketing agencies that offer their services in this regard. But what is media monitoring?

Monitoring social media mentions allows for a comprehensive analysis of the perceptions that have been formulated in the social media. platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram on a brand.

In addition, this process also provides insight into the most prominent topics of users on social media focused on a specific niche.

Media monitoring specialists analyse on the basis of keywords or hashtagsand the results generate significant benefits. Especially at the level of understanding the interests of the audience and the opinion formulated about your business.

When the results of this assessment are well exploited, you can even use the metrics to improve ad generation. And this can lead to improvements in advertising.

Why are so many people interested in the "social media monitoring" service?

The social media monitoring service has been of interest to businesses and large companies, especially now that digital presence is so relevant. To give you an idea of the impact of this evaluation, we highlight the following aspects.

Helping to understand audience expectations

This evaluation helps to identify the best trends in social media. This can be used to better structure advertising strategies.

Nowadays, using trends to target advertisements often captures the audience's interest more effectively. But above all, this is effective because it helps to understanding real needs of your brand's potential customers.

Recognise the best channels for your brand

Nowadays there are too many spaces to increase the visibility of a brand. But when analysing the mentions on social networks, you will be able to know on which platforms your business is most relevant.

By identifying this, you will then be able to recognise which social networks will be the most profitable for you to invest in terms of advertising. And this also helps with something key, which is time optimisation.

Makes it easier to recognise the ideal content for buyers

While it is true that monitoring social media mentions helps to identify how a business is viewed, it also helps to gain a little more insight.

For example, you can find out what types of content are more likely to be accepted by the audience inside and outside the spaces over which you have the most control.

Also you can find out if your competitors have mentioned you and for what purpose. All this helps you to make the right decisions to improve the image of your business or simply to reinforce your sales strategies.

How to do social media monitoring | Tools

One thing you should know is that the monitoring social media mentions or media monitoring, is a more specific service. Social media monitoring", on the other hand, encompasses several aspects that are integrated into a single process.

social media monitoring

Having said that, let's take a look at some of the tools that allow you to analyse social networks:


Mention you allows you to find out what your audience thinks about your brandYou will also know if any specific issues related to your business have arisen.

Note that it is a tool with some free features, but the official version has a subscription plan. With this tool you can also find out the impact of your campaigns and assess what others have said about your brand.

Social Listening

Although this app is one of the best for "social network monitoring", it is a paid app.

It is a tool that carries out a interaction analysis of your publicationsbut at the same time values mentions of your brand in spaces outside your corporate profiles.

One thing that is very useful about it is that it allows you to get enough even to know what content makes the best impact on your target audience.

Hootsuite Impact

Although it has a free trial version, it is often very limiting. However, it is one of the most popular platforms today.

It allows you to make an analysis on platforms such as Facebook, Linkedin and even WordPress. It is ideal for discovering potential customers by discovering mentions on other broadcasting channels that have been made about your brand.

Request digital tracking of mentions with our experts

Our social media mentions monitoring service allows us to share detailed metrics on all perceived findings.

And the best thing is that the digital tracking of mentions The research carried out by our specialists is aimed at achieving a more comprehensive investigation.

This is why we can also get mentions in blogs, reviews on different platforms or even content in forums.

We offer you real-time solutions to get a diagnosis of your brand's online reputation.

In this way, you will be able to know with great precision if there are details you need to adjust or if in general, you need to put in place a plan to regain the trust of your audience and potential buyers.

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