Universal Analytics will disappear. All accumulated data will be deleted.

Backup Google Analytics and visualisation in Data Looker

Complete export of Google Analytics data to a Google spreadsheet and visualisation in a prepared report with Data Looker (Data Studio).

Why is it important to backup Universal Analytics?

Google announced that on 1 July 2023, the standard Universal Analytics properties will no longer process data. You will not be able to access their data history in GA4 as Google Analytics does not allow data to be transferred from Universal Analytics.
GA4 is advertised as an update but it is really a different tool with a new data and information structure.

Universal Analytics data will be permanently deleted in July 2024.

Select your monthly vivitas

Visits Selector

Export of all accumulated history

The export options offered by Universal are limited to 5,000 records. Through this service you will have the complete history with data from the last 5-6 years.

Backup Google Analytics Universal GA3 Dta

Interact with the data through Data Looker

We integrate the export into Data Looker so that you can work and analyse interactively with all the accumulated records. When Universal is no longer available, you can continue to analyse the data through these interactive dashboards.

Backup Google Analytics Universal GA3 Dta

Process of this service


Review of your Google Universal Analytics account. Kpis, events and conversions configured.


Configuration of the KPIs to be exported, accumulated history, number of rows ...


Start exporting to a Google spreadsheet

Data Looker

Preparation of dashboards with Data Looker with interactive data visualisation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

We will export all the data from the last 5-6 years, depending on the website, which is more than enough to be able to make useful comparative and retrospective analyses. The export will generate a file containing the following data and metrics (Pages viewed, Landing page performance, Campaigns, Countries, Regions, Sources, Media, Products sold, Visits, Users, Bounce rate, Average session duration, Pages viewed per session, Leads/sales, Conversion rate, Conversion value).

No, we export all data history for the last 5-6 years.

The basic data and any other data you require, it is a customised export.

Yes, at eXprimeNet we develop everything under customer accounts. This information is available to you at any time.

Very simple, when you contract the service through the payment form in this section we will contact you to give us access to your Google Analytics Universal account. After a review we will agree which KPIs you want to export and confirm from which dates. You will receive the export file and the Data Looker within a maximum of 5 working days.

Yes, you will be in contact with our technical support team to answer any questions you may have during the whole process.

Recruitment form

Complete the following payment form. We will contact you to start the process.

Analytics Universal Backup and visualisation in Data Looker

495€ VAT included
One-off payment
For 1 web and 1 view
  • Universal's full export
  • Google Spreadsheet integration
  • Visualisation Data Studio preparation
Backup Analytics Universal €495

You have not yet successfully installed the new Google Analytics 4?

Don't take risks and ensure that you are collecting all data correctly and completely.

Backup Google Analytics Universal GA3 Dta